Enter to Win is a new habit
I am applying this simple habit to my writing and I choose to enter to win.
You can’t win if you don’t enter a contest. I am learning that being an author; I must take risks. I may never be 100% comfortable sharing and submitting my work to anthologies, contests, giving and getting feedback, yet, that is what I need to improve my writing and gather support.
The transition from Creator to Apprentice
I am an old hand at sharing designs, giving workshops, creating for others. I am new at sharing my writing. I squeaked in just under the deadline when I submitted poems for the Redwood Writer’s 2018 Poetry Anthology. I repeated this craziness, watching the seconds tick by as they approached the end of time for accepting stories for the crime fiction contest and as I prepared my memoir for submission to the Redwood Writer’s 2018 Anthology. One of my poems is part of the published anthology of poetry. My memoir is part of the 2018 Anthology, Redemption. My crime fiction murder missed top honors, and yet, it was cathartic to write it, and I may revisit the story and see if I can improve on it.
Taking Risks
I stood up and read a poem at a Napa Valley Writer’s meeting. It was exhilarating and humbling. I can’t wait to do it again.
Opening my up and exposing my writing to the light is a new habit. I have been invited to join a critique group and am eager to continue sharing, rewriting, getting feedback, giving feedback
Would you please?
All this is a prelude to my request of you, gentle reader, to read my story. It is an excerpt from my memoir/guidebook:
Wellness Warrior: The Kick-ass Guide to Resiliency and How to Thrive during Chemotherapy for Ovarian Cancer, Bounce Back to Have a Happier, Healthier Life
My story is part of the Short Fiction Break for the Summer. You can read it, and if you like it, please share it with your friends.

Enter to win
You can only win if you enter. Each entry is a win in my journey to change my habit and to share my work. What are you working on shifting in your marketing mindset and habits?