Sharing With Ease
Sometimes I feel like sharing something great with my friends and fans. And then, I start to do it and find that it takes too much time or too many steps. Have you ever wanted to share a good review or a testimonial and found that it took you so long to do it that you gave up half way through the process?
What if you could click on one button that would take you to a social site like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest or even an email share of the super cool thing you want to share?
Have no fear, there is a solution that is easy, free and awesome. What is it you ask? Sharelinkgenerator. I made a link in under in 5 seconds:
Share on Facebook
When you click on it, here is what you will get:
Now, think about using this to promote your latest book, a new service or product. Pretty sweet.
This is just one of the great tips I learned about from Tim Grahl on his podcast, Book Launch Show.
Tim started this podcast in December 2016. Each of his episodes is about 15-20 minutes of great information for self-published authors. If you want to check out the podcast, click below.
Now you know how to make it easy to share your stuff with your fans. Sweet.
Why I like the Book Launch Show
Each episode is short, to the point and taken from Tim’s real like experiences. It is not full of fluff or lots of self-promotion. It is solid information that is proven to work for authors. He has a pleasant voice and delivery style. Even though he is very experienced, he doesn’t talk over the heads of a newbie.
I appreciate his practical approach to book promotion. Listen and learn. It’s easy.
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