I am a new fan of listening to books. My first audiobook experience, Educated, blew my mind. Immediate addiction. I found myself sneaking in time when I could listen to the next chapter, and then, the next. As a result of listening to this first book, I quickly followed up with Joe Biden’s Promise Me Dad. They are incredible stories. Both moved me to tears. (Links to each book appear at the end of this post.)
My first listen to Seth Godin’s This is Marketing will not be my last. He offers insights and examples of how to build deeper relationships while at the same time being honest and authentic. Marketing is about creating change, positive change, in the world. It is not about manipulation. On this, we agree.
Why I love to Listen
Listening to books is a way for me to take in information and to relax, depending on the content and setting of my audio sessions. When I am driving, listening to a good book is a pleasurable experience. When I write or am in the middle of creating a design, music, and quiet are my preferred backgrounds.
If you have not tried listening to a book, give it a listen. The leap from listening to a podcast to my investment in listening to a book surprised me. Most of the podcast episodes I devour are short. A few go into greater depth and may last up to an hour. The majority of my favorite podcasts average between 5-20 minutes per episode. If they are on the longer side of the spectrum, I will break up my sessions.
Ways to Listen: Podcasts and Books
Yes, I love podcasts. My 5 favorites on to marketing:
- Side Hustle School with Chris
Gullibeau Dont Keep Your Day Job with Cathy Heller- Amy Porterfield’s Online Marketing Made Easy
- Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income
- Ask Pat 2.0
Listen and learn. It is a fun and fruitful way to use your ears and your head. And, if you are an author, consider turning your book into a podcast and audiobook. You never know who will be listening!.